Developing and implementing projects since the 1980s
We provided representatives of five Sacramento-area Tribes with a muti-day in-person NAGPRA training.
July 2016 – January 2017
We provided meeting planning and consultation facilitation services to support the efforts to repatriate individuals and cultural items removed from the Abbott Farm complex, which are housed in at least eight museums located from coast to coast.
In October 2021, we provided NAGPRA training.
We developed a NAGPRA Consultation/Documentation grant proposal to further Abbott Farm complex repatriation efforts.
October 2016 – present
Jan provided NAGPRA training for Tribal leadership and facilitated a consultation. We also provided ongoing technical assistance concerning repatriation claim development.
May 2020 – March 2022
We provided NAGPRA training to Tribal monitors. We were also on-call to provide technical assistance.
October 2016 – February 2017
We guided the Tribe through a NAGPRA needs assessment.
January 2012 – November 2012
We wrote a NAGPRA Repatriation grant proposal that funded the reunification and reburial of human remains and funerary objects removed from Paa-Ko housed at multiple museums in New Mexico and California.
After providing the Nation's Tribal Historic Preservation Office staff and several elected officials with in-person NAGPRA training, we initiated a NAGPRA strategic planning process.
After providing the staff and several elected officials with in-person NAGPRA training, we initiated a NAGPRA strategic planning process.
Annually, for over 20 years, until the Tribe hired an in-house grant writer, we developed successful NAGPRA Consultation/Documentation Grant proposals for the Tlingit & Haida. These grants resulted in the repatriation of sacred objects, cultural patrimony, and funerary objects.
In January 2020, Jan and Jane facilitated a two-day policy development workshop, during which participants developed guidelines for repatriation and guidelines for the spiritual care and use of repatriated items.
We also assist the Tlingit & Haida with repatriation request development.
August 2013 – July 2016
Jan provided two in-person half-day workshops entitled “NAGPRA for Tribal Officials” & “NAGPRA for Museums,” which were attended by representatives of regional Indian tribes, museums, and universities, as well as federal and state agencies. In 2014, we helped develop a NAGPRA Consultation/Documentation grant proposal. During the implementation of the grant, Jan provided training specifically designed for tribal elders in regard to claim development. We also provided technical assistance during repatriation claim development and as a presentation was being developed for a dispute that the Review Committee heard.
September 2012 – July 2019
We facilitated the disposition of human remains representing 20 individuals removed from unknown geographic contexts. To accomplish this, we initiated consultation with 566 federally recognized Indian Tribes and 77 Native Hawaiian organizations. Then, on April 10, 2014, we asked the Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Review Committee for a recommendation to the Secretary of the Interior for disposition to the Indian Tribes and Native Hawaiian organizations that jointly requested disposition. The Secretary approved the dispositions and the notices of inventory completion were published without comment. This marked the return of the last of the Native American human remains housed at the museum.
In 2019, we provided training to staff and volunteers.
January 2022 – Present
We conducted a NAGPRA needs assessment and developed a strategic plan for addressing outstanding compliance requirements. We also provided several mandatory all-staff NAGPRA webinars. To understand and incorporate care guidance and to prepare for an in-person intertribal consultation, we facilitated a series of monthly virtual intertribal consultations. The monthly consultation also laid the groundwork for the reinterment of individuals removed from unknown geographic locations after seeking the Secretary of the Interior's approval. We have also provided technical assistance in support of the repatriation of Cultural Ancestors identified during the consultations.
October 2011 – April 2015
After the museum received federal funds for the first time, we facilitated compliance with the Summary Provision of NAGPRA. Jan provided NAGPRA training to the Trustees and facilitated consultation.
May 2006 – June 2009
To facilitate the repatriation of individuals from the Southwestern US, Jan facilitated consultations at Tribal offices in the Southwest.
As part of our commitment to community service, in 2019, we developed a Care-And-Trust agreement with the Institute that is available on our website, through the NAGPRA Community of Practice, and upon request. It is meant to be used for cultural items and individuals who will continue to be housed at the Museum after repatriation.
July 2021 - July 2023
Project phase one - We facilitated the repatriation of 1100 individuals and more than 5000 associated funerary objects. With our client and the interested Nations, we developed 16 Culturally Affiliated NAGPRA Inventories and 16 Notices of Inventory Completion, all of which have been published in the Federal Register. The individuals were removed from 139 sites in counties throughout New York State. As a first step, we conducted a need assessment and developed a strategic plan. During implementation, we planned, facilitated, and documented monthly virtual internation consultations to which 20 Nations were invited.
April 2024 - Present
Project phase two - we are planning, facilitating, and documenting consultation as the Seneca Nation identifies cultural items associated with phase one sites.
November 2014 – August 2019
To facilitate the repatriation of 3,000 individuals and 100,000 associated funerary objects, we developed a ten-year plan that identified grant-fundable projects. We then developed the FY2015 NAGPRA Consultation/Documentation grant to fund the first project. And we continue to provide technical assistance.
We provide periodic technical assistance to the SNOMNH staff, including helping the staff plan compliance with the updated NAGPRA regulations.
March 2018 – Present
We developed a strategic plan for NAGPRA compliance and are facilitating implementation. We facilitated the disposition of individuals and associated funerary objects from Texas and unknown geographic locations. Currently, we complying with the Inventory Provision for individuals discovered during a collection move.
September 2010 – December 2012
We provided technical assistance in developing NAGPRA Inventories for human remains and associated funerary objects removed from North Dakota, South Dakota, and Wisconsin.
Fall 2020 - March 2021
We developed a successful FY 2021 NAGPRA Consultation/Documentation grant proposal.
October 2020 - present
We are building our client's capacity to comply with the Act's Collections Provisions. Services include Inventory and Notice development, consultation planning, facilitation, and documentation, data management, project management, and technical assistance.
Fall 2021 - Summer 2023
We facilitated the repatriation or disposition of individuals and funerary objects removed from the Midwest, California, and the Southeast.
Fall 2024 - Summer 2026
We are helping the Logan Museum implement a NAGPRA Consultation/Documentation grant, the goal of which is to repatriate all Ancestors and belongings removed from the Southwest.
Colorado College
April 2003 – June 2019
Our services included strategic planning, Summary Provision compliance, and Inventory Provision compliance, as well as reburial planning. All of the human remains and associated funerary objects known to have been under the College's control were repatriated.
Colorado Springs Fine Arts Center at Colorado College
October 2021 - Present
The College recently acquired the Fine Arts Center and engaged our services to conduct a needs assessment, build capacity, establish a data management system, and begin to initiate compliance activities. In 2023, we facilitated the development of two Inventories and the publication of two Notices of Inventory Completion for individuals from an unknown geographic location and a site in the Southeast.
November 2015 – April 2020
We facilitated the disposition and reburial of human remains belonging to 43 individuals and 126 associated funerary objects, which represent all of the human remains and associated funerary objects known to have been in control of the University.
To accomplish this, we developed and implemented a strategic plan for NAGPRA compliance. During implementation, we developed and distributed a Summary and Inventories. We developed a NAGPRA Consultation/Documentation grant, which funded inter-Tribal consultations that we planned and facilitated. Jan provided NAGPRA training to administrators, legal counsel, and faculty. We provided planning support for reburial, and Claire prepared the individuals for transport and reburial. We also provided technical assistance in the development of a NAGPRA policy and procedures.
October 2023 - present
We are faciliting NAGPRA compliance for recently located Individuals and funerary belongings, facilitated a university-wide survey, and conducted an on-site audit.
January 2019 – July 2022
We developed and fully implemented a strategic plan for NAGPRA compliance that resulted in the repatriation or disposition of 225 individuals and 530 associated funerary objects. We did that in a little over two years, mainly due to the commitment of our client and Tribes who actively participated. We facilitated the disposition or repatriation of individuals and funerary objects from Alaska, Arizona, Florida, and Michigan, as well as a Navajo individual. Throughout implementation we planned, facilitated, and documented Tribal consultations, including monthly intertribal consultations with member-Tribes of the Michigan Anishinaabek Cultural Preservation & Repatriation Alliance (MACPRA).
Reedley College, Reedley, CA
July 2015 – June 2016
When individuals were unexpectedly located, we facilitated repatriation of individuals under the future applicability rule.
Fresno City College, Fresno, CA
October 2015 – March 2019
When this project was completed, we had facilitated repatriation of human remains belonging to 30 individuals and over 600 associated funerary objects that were removed from sites in California’s Central Valley that were identified in faunal collections. To accomplish this, we developed a strategic plan for NAGPRA compliance. During plan implementation, we developed and distributed a Summary in compliance with 43 CFR 10.8 and Inventories in compliance with §10.9. To fund implementation, we developed a NAGPRA Consultation/Documentation grant. During grant implementation, we provided long-term on-site collections work, including searches for archives and collections, archives and document review, and collection cataloging. We also provided meeting planning services, facilitated inter-Tribal consultations, facilitated publication of Notices and provided technical assistance.
January 2021 - December 2021
In compliance with AB 275 (CalNAGPRA), we developed a strategic plan to facilitate the repatriation of human remains belonging to more than 9,000 individuals and thousands of associated funerary objects. On October 31, 2023, 4,440 of those individuals and 24,993 associated funerary objects were described in a Notice of Inventory Completion.
September 2004 – July 2019
We wrote and implemented 10 NAGPRA Consultation/Documentation grants and nine Repatriation grants. These projects have resulted in the repatriation or disposition of human remains representing 648 individuals, 630 associated funerary objects, 109 unassociated funerary objects, nine items identified as both sacred objects and objects of cultural patrimony, and five sacred objects. During these projects, we worked with 370 Indian Tribes.
June 2015 – August 2021
We developed and implemented the City's strategic plan for NAGPRA compliance, which addressed the needs of two different collections under the City's control. These projects resulted in the disposition of 8 individuals and 50 associated funerary objects. We also provided technical support during the development of a protocol for the discovery of Native American human remains or cultural items on City or private land during City-undertakings.
Fort de Buade Museum Collection
To implement the City's strategic plan for this collection, we developed and distributed a Summary. We then developed a NAGPRA Consultation/Documentation grant proposal. During grant implementation, Jan provided NAGPRA training to City officials and Michilimackinac Historical Society staff members who work in the Museum, which houses the collection. Also during grant implementation, Claire worked on-site with Museum staff to catalog, database, and photographed the collection, which was then uploaded to a secure online NAGPRA consultation resource. We then provided meeting planning services and facilitated consultations.
Museum of Ojibwa Culture & Marquette Mission Park
To implement the initial phase of the strategic plan for this collection, we developed and distributed a Summary and Inventory. To fund further implementation we developed and received two Consultation/Documentation grants over three years.
Under the first grant, the faunal collection was examined for the presence of human remains, and we provided meeting planning and consultation facilitation services for an inter-Tribal consultation. The second grant supported the cataloging of the Museum of Ojibwa Culture's collection, and the digitization of site catalogs to provide an avenue for Tribes to identify items of interest. With the onset of the pandemic, we shifted seamlessly from in-person meeting planning and facilitation to a virtual setting.
April 2015 – July 2020
We developed a strategic plan for NAGPRA compliance knowing there were human remains representing two individuals in the control of the City and an unknown number of cultural items that could be NAGPRA-eligible. We wrote, and the City was awarded, a NAGPRA Consultation/Documentation grant to fund the implementation of the strategic plan.
During implementation, we developed a Summary and an Inventory. We facilitated the disposition of human remains representing one individual from the Western Plains by offering disposition to all of the Indian Tribes whose aboriginal land included the Western Plains and guided our client through the process of presenting the request to the Review Committee. After a geographic location was identified for the other Individual, we facilitated disposition.
We provided on-site support, cataloged, databased, and photographed the collection to prepare for Summary consultations. The collection was also made available to all Summary recipient Tribes through a password-protected online consultation tool.
July 2021 - July 2022
We helped our client evaluate a repatriation claim that had been received years prior. Following the evaluation, we planned and facilitated a consultation with the claimant Tribe, the client, and the Bureau of Indian Affairs, which may have legal control of some of the items. We also developed a Notice of Intent to Repatriate that will be jointly published by the client and the Bureau of Indian Affairs.
We reinitiated consultation with communities in Alaska that resulted in the development of an amended NAGPRA Inventory and publication of a Notice of Inventory Completion .
October 2022 - August 2023
After determining the Bureau of Indian Affairs has control, we facilitated the development of a NAGPRA Inventory and the publication of a Notice of Inventory Completion.
April 2018
Jan provided a two-day NAGPRA training and strategic plan development workshop for representatives of the Department and repositories that house the collections.
June 2019 - 2024
During this project's first phase, we trained the Trustees, conducted a needs assessment, and developed a strategic plan.
Currently, we provide technical assistance and training to build the client's capacity to facilitate the disposition of over 7,000 individuals and their associated funerary objects.
December 2013 – May 2018
We developed and implemented two NAGPRA Consultation/Documentation grants that resulted in the disposition of human remains representing a minimum of 1,031 individuals and 2,050 associated funerary objects from a single site in West Virginia.
February 2024 - Present
We are providing NAGPRA consultation services that are funded through an FY 2023 NAGPRA Consultation/Documentation grant, which we help write.
March 2011
Jan provided an all-day training for Native Hawaiian organizations that was sponsored by the U.S. Department of the Interior Office of Native Hawaiian Relations, the State of Hawaii State Historic Preservation Division, and the US Army Garrison in Honolulu.
November 2020 - October 2021
We developed online training modules covering Collections Provision and Discovery Provision NAGPRA implementation.
2023 - 2024
After reviewing available documentation at repositories in Arizona, Montana, Utah, and Wyoming, we are preparing NAGPRA Inventories and Notices of Inventory Completion.
October 2021 - October 2022
We provided NAGPRA Discovery Provision and Collections Provision implementation services.
October 2023 - December 2025
We are providing NAGPRA implementation services for individuals and cultural items removed from a site located in the Park. We are also providing NAGPRA implementation services for the Park's "miscellaneous" collection.
May 2022 - May 2023
We provided Discovery and Collections Provision implementation services that resulted in the disposition and repatriation of all individuals and associated funerary objects removed from the Park. As part of this project, we untangle a complex history of previous compliance efforts.
March 2024 - September 2024
We developed a comprehensive agreement that includes a plan of action as required by the updated NAGPRA regulations.
October 2011 – September 2013
For the nine Air Force Space Surveillance Stations (AFSSS), we facilitated the development of MOUs that address government-to-government consultation and NAGPRA Section 3 Comprehensive Agreements.
These installations are located in San Diego, CA; Gila River, AZ; Elephant Butte, NM; Lake Kickapoo, TX; Red River, AR; Silver Lake, MS; Jordan Lake, AL; Hawkinsville, GA; and Tattnall, GA, which is the aboriginal land of 74 Indian Tribes that were invited to participate in the development of the agreements and comment on Standard Operating Procedures. We planned and facilitated a consultation with the Gila River Indian Community and southeastern Tribes.
August 2011 – December 2012
In consultation with Indian Tribes, we developed a Summary and then distributed it. We then continued to facilitate consultation.
November 2021 – 2024
After untangling the history of removal and housing, we facilitated NAGPRA Discovery Provision and Inventory Provision Compliance for individuals removed from a Refuge.
We facilitated the repatriation of several cultural items that had been seized and surrendered as part of an action undertaken by the FWS Office of Law Enforcement.
June 2016 – Apr 2018
We facilitated the repatriation of human remains and funerary objects seized during a law enforcement activity.
August 2018 - August 2021
We facilitated NAGPRA Inventory Provision compliance that resulted in the reinterment of individuals and associated funerary objects removed from two sites. The process was complicated by the number of items removed from one of the sites and previous NAGPRA compliance efforts.