Vision: A community that is supported, connected, and empowered to facilitate repatriation.
Mission: The NAGPRA Community of Practice provides space to share experiences, concerns, and successes to decrease misunderstanding and hesitancy and to foster relationships and healing.
We share this Stewardship Agreement template for use when a museum will continue to house repatriated or dispositioned individuals or cultural items.
Attachment A may also be used to enter into an agreement resulting from Duty of Care consultation as required by 43 CFR 10.1(d).
On the National Museum of the American Indian website, learn about pesticides - what they are, why they were used in collections, the dangers they pose, how they might be removed, and more.
The School for Advanced Research provides access to a presentation developed by Nancy Odegaard, on contaminants and mitigation.
Standards for Museums with Native American Collections (SMNAC). Downloadable PDF.
The National Park Service's Museum Management Program offers a series of short, accessible Conserve O Grams covering a range of collections management topics.
The Canadian Conservation Institute offers a variety of resources on its website.
A Guide to International Repatriation: Starting an Initiative in Your Community. Prepared by the Association on American Indian Affairs.
United States Department of the Interior Office of International Affairs
United States Department of State
Return Reconcile Renew (RRR) commenced in 2014. Its overall aim is to raise awareness and understanding about repatriation and assist repatriation practitioners and researchers in their efforts to bring Old People home.
The National NAGPRA Program offers on-demand training through its YouTube channel, some taught by Bernstein & Associates.
The National Preservation Institute offers in-person and on-demand NAGPRA courses, some taught by Bernstein & Associates.
C3 offers in-person and virtual NAGPRA courses taught by Bernstein & Associates
This short film documents the legacy of repatriating iwi kūpuna (ancestral remains) by Native Hawaiians who have been trained under the direction of respected cultural practitioners Edward and Pualani Kanahele.
Home From School: The Children of Carlisle
130 years after Native American boys died at an Indian boarding school, their tribe tries to bring them home.
NAGPRA Comics is a community-based, collaboratively produced comic series that tells true stories about repatriation from tribal perspectives. We work with Native American communities to share their experiences with the law, from their point of view. This is an applied/educational comic series, so it also explains what the law is and how it works.